The past few weeks have brought about a few changes in our lives and in the lives of people around us - friends, relatives and neighbours. Although they vary in intensity, they are all life altering. Sometimes life changes are brought on by our own choosing. We invite the change and position ourselves in such a way that we can completely embrace that change. This may be a response of obedience to God. We may be intentionally looking for ways to respond to those around us in love and patience instead of in anger or impatience. It may be a new job or a new house.
Other times change happens to us. We don't choose the tragedy or loss or addition but it comes and causes complete change in our lives. It rocks the very foundation on which we stand and challenges us to truly believe God in faith. Believe that HE IS THE GOD of heaven above and earth below. There is no other God. Duet. 4:39
Throughout these past few weeks I have been reading "Singing Through the Night: Courageous Stories of Faith from Women in the Persecuted Church" by Anneke Companjen. The stories tell of many women around the world who have chosen to follow God with their lives; with their whole hearts.
On one account a wife was visiting her innocent husband in jail and he said to her, "You know that when I gave my heart to the Lord I was like a lot of people. I went to church every Sunday, sang praises to the Lord, prayed and gave my money - and that was it until the next Sunday. But here in this cell, I found the true Lord and Master of my life, the Lord Jesus Christ. I gave myself to the Lord in a new way - with all my heart."(page 259)
The stories speak of the satisfaction of knowing God. Nothing compares to the greatness of knowing and serving God. Through following Him they are more and more convinced that Jesus is the only answer in spite of the suffering and loss they are called to live with. Their journey's of faith happen step by step. Believing and acting in this obedience.
This past week as I was driving home I found myself singing Step by Step. It was one of those times where I didn't realize what I was singing right aways but when I did - it touched a place that gave me a new hope and I sang it with confidence.
Oh God you are my God
and I will ever praise You.
Oh God you are my God
and I will ever praise You.
I will seek you in the morning
and I will learn to walk in Your ways
and step by step You'll lead me
and I will follow you all of my days.
I want to learn all that God has for me through whatever He allows. I want to trust Him with my whole life. It feels like such a slow process of learning and following at times but I believe God is faithful and He will do it! 1 Thess 5:24