The Author

Hi! I'm Nicole Ens. I am a Pastor's wife and a mother to three precious children. My days are filled with meal making, endless tidying and lots of learning with some teaching mixed in. Truth is, I've obsessively striven for many things. Only one thing is worth embracing completely and that is Christ. Through my often messy reactions in an often messy house it is God's pursuing and abundant love that allows moments of peace and purpose. This is a place where each step matters. It's a place to slow down. Where everyday moments are processed by a grace-needy person searching for life lived fully with an extraordinary God. I realize it is easier to “talk” about these things than to live them but somehow in the writing, the Truth becomes clearer. It's in the writing that some life changes grow roots. It's a way for me to remember. It's a place to mentally practise these gracious discoveries in preparation for the “nexts” of life. It's not an easy go alone. I would love to share the journey of Embracing Christ Completely with you.