Friday, May 27, 2011

Psalm 19: 1-4

The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work of His hands.

Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.

There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.

Their voice goes out into all the earth,

their words to the ends of the world.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Joy is watching your son score his first soccer goal.

Joy is watching your child dance at the divisional folk dance!

Joy is celebrating an answer to prayer with your daughter.

Joy is finding a gem of a book in the library. Joy is sitting and reading in the warmth of the sun.

Joy is witnessing the miracle of spring from this:

to this:

in three weeks!!!!

Joy is watching a plant bloom and grow - one given from my mentor when we moved to Brandon 11 1/2 years ago. It is thriving.

Joy is growing together as a family.

Joy is eating our favourite meal together as a family.

Joy is knowing that God coordinates all things for His glory.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

What's the Exchange Rate?

The other week one of the beautiful grade one students in the class turned around as she was exiting through the door to ask, "so what is your real job Mrs. Ens?"
In about 2 seconds my mind raced through a zillion answers that might possibly please a 6.5 year old...She knows I'm a teacher...I've been in her class for 2 months! She wants to know what I do with the rest of my time.
The accolades started rolling through my mind. My mind danced around from the audience of a 6 year old to all the people I've ever wanted to impress. Then as quickly as that entered I remembered. I remembered words from a wise choral conductor at a prestigious Music Festival in Banff,
"You can write all the accolades you want. But your students don't care. They won't read them. What they want to know is who you are right now when you are in front of them."

Finally, stronger than that prideful urge was something that has been spoken into my life again and again. To live fully for Christ I have to lose my life.

I said with confidence, "I'm a mom!"
She pushed again and said, "no, like I mean a real, real job."
Again, and with even more assurance I said, "a mom!"
"No," she said with frustrated determination, "Mrs. Ens, a job. Like with money. How do you get paid?"
"Well, that is a good question!"

She forced my hand and I felt peace, not insecurity.

How indeed do I get paid? I used to try living off of compliments and achievements. However, living off that means I trade in peace. The former doesn't hold its value for long. Peace is a beautiful and incomparable currency!
I have struggled through issues of work and motherhood and meaning. What a gift after many prayers, and many moments of practising, to experience peace and not defensiveness. What a gift to know and experience the promises of God.

Do not be anxious about anything but with prayer and supplication present your requests to God and the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:8

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Isa 26:3

Saturday, May 7, 2011

So Much Greater

More than any other project,
More than any other dream,
More than any other hope,
And any other desire.
Even more than fear, worry, or despair.
God has used you,


and you,

To show me The Way.

To show me the need for humility through failure.
The need for sacrifice through loss.
And the great need to replace fear with perfect love.

Even though
my heart condemns me,
my mind replays my failures,
I wallow in loss and hang onto my fears,
You call me with gentle kisses,
sweet toothless smiles,
and embracing arms.
Those are the most powerful words.
You enter these moments.

You call me to let go of failures, loss and fear.
When I let go, You give me peace.
When I trust, You give me confidence.
You are so much greater.

In this,
the calling of Motherhood, I place my trust in Your care
and entrust to You Your gifts of love,
my treasured ones.