As I write this post, I am a mixture of excited and nervous. Tonight at 188 Princess, we are inviting families from our Eastview Church community to join with the families surrounding 188 Princess- a new branch from our church community (a church campus, if you will). Invitations have been made, prayers are being prayed as we take a small step in being a together community, to not be an us-them but a people brought together by God.
We invite you to join us if you are around. We are watching a movie @ 6:30pm, "Toy Story 3". We are making popcorn, have juice boxes and good coffee/tea for the parents and adults. If you are not around, we invite your prayers.
The book of James has been on my mind a lot lately. As I prepare for tonight phrases that come to mind are: but if you show favoritism...but you have neglected the poor...speak and act as someone who is going to be judged by the law that gives freedom...mercy triumphs over you think scripture says without reason that He jealously longs for the Sprirt He caused to dwell in you. But He gives more grace...humble yourselves before the have hoarded your wealth...what good is it brothers and sisters if you have faith but no deeds? Can such a faith save you?
We come with open hands, not knowing what the foot traffic will be like nor how our hearts will be moved and changed. We do know that our desire is that God is evidenced in the popcorn and the juice and the coffee and the smiles.
Will you join us in person or in prayer?
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