We have a Christmas tradition in our little household. It started a number of years back. If Dave had his way, it would have started many years ago, I just take awhile to catch on sometimes. Between the five of us we pick names for a gift exchange. The gift needs to be a relational gift, something that we can do together both the gift giver and the one receiving the gift. We have really enjoyed these gifts. They are creative and meaningful for both parties involved. The other part of this tradition is that the money saved from this goes towards something or someone else. Sometimes we look for an immediate need around us (not our own) while other times, we join in with an already existing organization.
The kids have been asking for weeks already if we can pick names. Finally, last weekend when they came with the request again we sent them to the basement with a World Vision catalog and asked the kids to look through it, to think through previous years' ideas and current needs around us and to agree on something and present it to us when they were ready. Well about a whole 10-15 minutes later they called us!
We came down and they had set up a chalk board covered with a blanket, a computer device on a TV tray, a piggy bank and the World Vision Catalog. Our eldest started the presentation and by the end, all had participated in one aspect of the presentation. The teacher in me appreciated that they were organized, well spoken and very excited! Their dream was big!
Their enthusiasm and their dream made me wonder if this is a part of what Jesus meant when He said,
Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Luke 18.16.
Their presentation seemed to confidently say, obstacles? What obstacles! The kids were helping me to see,
With human's it's impossible, with God, all is possible. From Luke 18.27.
As a finisher to their presentation they showed us the money they were willing to put into the kiddie to start it all off, ranging from birthday money to money earned.
We were floored! Questions and discussion followed. Then we brainstormed about extra sacrifices we would have to make in order for this to happen. With excitement, we all agreed on the project. Unanimous. Carried.
So here we are, off on an adventure with our family for the next month and a bit. I can already say we have been feeling some crunch. We realize how often we run to the store for things. We have been forced to think harder and more creatively. We are talking through the stuff we hang on to that causes clutter, our money habits, our spending, repairs, food costs...as well as attitude of the heart.
I'd love to hear from you! What kinds of Christmas projects have you done with your family or friends to share Christ's love during this season?