Here are some of my categorized thoughts after further reflection on the week at Sagemace.
1. Definition of self.
During my quiet time one morning I was very frustrated with myself, remembering too many times, this week included, where I have struggled with my pride throughout the year. Part of my morning reading from Romans 8:13b, "but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live." I was reminded of dying to self a thousand deaths each day - the fight, the surrender. What freedom there was in confessing this and surrendering to God and allowing the power of the Spirit to direct. There is a much more beautiful person in each of us to be revealed when we get our selfish desires out of the way - choosing God.
I have to say I am thankful God allowed me to see it and deal with it while there and not after the fact.
2. Making the most of every opportunity
I knew this camp experience was from God as He answered prayers for it to all work out the way it did. What if each opportunity and interaction was treated as sacred and anointed by God to show his love? That was my prayer.
3. God moments
The theme for the week was God's story in our lives. How has He changed our story? Three Bible stories were shared, the thief on the cross, the woman at the well and Saul's conversion. Also 4 Counsellors shared their testimonies throughout the week. Then cabin assignments were given to further enforce the love of God in our lives.
On the way home I asked Megan if there was a speaker she resonated with the most. She shared her thoughts on that and was really struck by the explanation of God moments through one of the testimonies. She spent the next while remembering times that God had been especially real for her - showing His love, calling her to Himself. That was my God moment.
4. A symbol of Community
There is something completely beautiful about the godly passion surrounding our college aged leaders. They are fun - even silly, unashamed, boisterous at times and determined in their approach to leading. What I love about them is that they dream and they pursue their dreams. They radiated energy and their enthusiasm was contagious. They spoke boldly into one another's lives - after all they only have a week to do this! By the end of the week everyone was hugging their good-byes, exchanging emails and addresses, trying to figure out when they would meet again, offering final words of encouragement and prayers, promising to find a way back next year. Isn't this a microcosm of what our churches should look like? How are we encouraging one another? Are we enthusiastic? Are we narrowly focused on following Christ? Do we look for ways to keep in touch and stay in each others lives? Do we speak boldly both words of encouragement and words of wisdom? As much as I am not sure if I could handle the high energy camp experience as a way of life - the experience has a lot of offer to our everyday living.
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