Sunday, October 4, 2009

Cause to smile

I was just thinking of you all this afternoon wondering where your initial quiet times with Psalm 120 and 121 have led you.

My spirit was particularly moved when I read the following on page 21 (Day 2);

If we're willing, God will teach us. He will use His Word, He will use His Spirit, and on a good day He will use His people.

The quote caused me to smile. The fact that a reliable God chooses to work with people like me who seem to have such a short and flighty attention span is beyond me - a true gift of grace.

Through the good, bad and ugly; though I am surrounded by Meshech and Kedar, I pray for willingness, for a repentant attitude when God through the Holy Spirit calls to my attention an area where I need to be taught. And maybe, if my pride doesn't get in the way I will respond to others in such a way that will be proof to them that God is in the business of renewing and working through His people in the everydayness of our lives.

What quote or verse has caused you to smile or reflect on the direction of your journey?


  1. "God thought" on taking the "high road" - disappointments are oppportunities to extend grace.

  2. I love the way, Beth, uses humor to captivate our attention. I am a very visual person, and granted getting on our faces, literally in prayer, feels awkward and difficult at the most part. What a great way to start Day 1 with her analogy of her beautification process in the morning. In the mirror she notices tiny grains which were loosed from the concrete floor on her forehead.

    I laughed and laughed and laughed cause I thought that would be so something that would happen to me. Even my kids asked me what I was laughing about.

    So my prayer for you all is as hers, "if we see a little gravel on each other's foreheads, we'll just praise God for settling a very important issue with us: We're desperate for God.!!!"

    I am desperate for God, thank God for the gravel along the way....
