Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Our family has been enjoying such a wonderful Christmas holiday time together. The kids and I have been on holidays in the true sense of the word. They have been competing to see who can stay in their pajama's the longest and yesterday 2 of them never changed out of their pj's.
This past week through reading Zechariah I have been reminded of the supreme power and love of our God. It is clear in Zech. 9 that no battle or enemy is too big for God. No temptation or loss or defeat or decision is too big for God. In the middle of this chapter we read the famous prophesy (the Christmas story); the coming of His son to rule with righteousness. He is sent from God and humble to fulfill prophesy. As we look to the coming new year; as we walk back into hurtful relationships, uncertainties and daily challenges let's look to this example and resolve to know where our help comes from.
Our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
Friday, December 25, 2009
I hope so much you are enjoying a wonderful celebration.
God is good to love us so wonderfully by sending us Hope in the form of His Son.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! I John 4:1b
How have you experienced God's love this Christmas?
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas Eve!
He is now celebrating the idea of tobogganing and playing in the snow where you can't see the grass! He is definitely his father's son!
The dog is clearly happy for the snow too!
May your celebrations be filled with joy and your worship intentional.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
'These are the things which you should do: speak the truth to one another; judge with truth and judgment for peace in your gates. Also let none of you devise evil in your heart against another and do not love perjury; for all these are what I hate', declares the LORD." NASB
Elizabeth Achtemeier expounds on these verses from Zech. 8 beautifully;
The love with which Israel is asked to respond to the unmerited love of God is to be acted out in the love of neighbor. This God, it seems, is always giving away that which belongs to him. "If you want to love me," he says, "then love your neighbor in my place." " you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me: (Matt. 25:40)
...God's love requires the response of love for neighbor because God's final purpose for his world is to make a new community. This was his purpose in Israel, as it is also his purpose in the church.
What a powerful challenge. God's lavish love is given to us to give away to others so that they too can experience God in their lives.
I pray that as Christmas is fast approaching and family and friend gatherings are upon us that we will know how God wants to share his love through us. That when we are in the midst of being together and it feels like too much together that we will respond with God's mercy and not in selfishness. Rely on God to lead your reactions and to give you your value. Laugh lots. See the good side in things.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Unafraid, by Francine Rivers
Last night Alexander brought a homemade gift home from school and being a mature Mom I suggested that he put it under the tree until Christmas. Being a "little man" after my own heart he said he wanted Daddy and I to open it right now!! I have a hard time waiting with gifts!! This is what he made.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
What a beautiful day. It is so nice to think that my kids will get outside for recess today and that I will be able to take the dog for a walk. He hasn't been able to handle much time outside lately.
I just want to encourage you to keep on in The Word. Even when you feel like you are "star of the week" (Alexander was star of the week last week!) or on top of the world - life can throw a curve ball.
Like getting up to run in cold weather, it is sweat and hard work but so rewarding! You know that you can't live without your time with God because it truly frees you up to be who you are and empowers your love for others.
Yesterday I came across an article on an on-line magazine for Teen girls on Vicky Courtney's Virtuous Reality sight. If any of you have teen girls check it out (just click on the underlined link) it is an amazing sight with much Godly wisdom. I told my girls to look forward to it when they get a little older. The author said that if you are caught in something that obsesses you and depresses you and makes you desperate for others that you are caught in a relationship based on infatuation. True love - love from God as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13 does not cripple and hurt. You know when you are feeding that infatuation by your unhealthy dependency on it and your willingness to hurt others or do things that you know are not right because you want it so bad. A loving relationship is something that grows with commitment, maturity and sacrifice. This article was referring specifically to relationships but I also think we grow infatuations to things, ways of doing things and people we look up to.
I am so struck by the love of God towards His people. In Zechariah God was gracious and turned to them and called them back into relationship with Him. He forgave them even though they disregarded and turned away from God. God initiated a new relationship with them, a new way of doing things and also gave them hope for the future - the coming Messiah. What a perfect model of commitment, maturity and sacrifice.
I pray that as you spend time with God today you will find renewed hope in His gift - the Messiah.
Monday, December 14, 2009
A Humble Spirit
I hope you are all doing well. I have been thinking of you often this season.
I have really been enjoying the simplicity of this Fall and Advent season in our house. This is the first time that I can remember having such a season of rest. It has been a great learning experience of organizing priorities and focusing on moments and relationships. I have been uncomfortable with parts of it at times but am determined that I don't want to miss out on what God has for me during this time of my life.
I had a big "A-Ha" moment yesterday in church. When Dave was talking about Mary I was shocked by the could-have-been-shame involved in her act of obedience. I freshly felt her sacrifice. But was awestruck by her humility! If she hadn't longed for the Messiah, if she hadn't been open to His way of working in her life, if she didn't have hope for the future then her predicament would have been shameful and unbearable to her. The only way God could perform such an amazing work in her is if she was a servant-follower of God.
That she was.
It says in Luke 1:30 that she found favor with God! In Luke 1:38 her amazing response;
"I am the Lord's servant, may it be to me as you have said."
These words really encouraged me to take this time for what it is. To learn the lessons that God is setting before me. I don't want to miss what God has for me by looking and wishing in the wrong places. I want to be a willing servant for the call God has on my life.
In thinking about all of this I wanted to share a video of the Magnificat that Dave created and prepared for a Christmas Eve service in Brandon a few years ago. Just click on the underlined link below to view it.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Our First Love
In small group last night we talked about keeping God our first love. It is so often my pride that distracts me into believing that my way might be better after all! Then I go ahead and try to merge the two masters thereby creating a life that is culturally acceptable and religiously acceptable .
Using advent as an example; I am on board with Dave on the advent conspiracy thing. We have been working on this for several years and my heart is softening towards it. Sometimes however, I tend to go overboard on the extremes. Things like baking seem just too much. If the Hallmark moment isn't what I am striving for then why do I need baking and decorations. They are so much work and make you wish for all the other things attached. I think that my self control issues cause me to sometimes have to be an all or nothing sort of person. Although it is sometimes necessary to give up something in its entirety so that it does not consume you - like an addiction, this all or nothing is not always the answer. Apply it to other situations and you are just left missing something very important. Another example could be working outside the home while nurturing a vibrant faith in God. If I would say that it is only possible to do that while at home during down time - while then likely a God relationship wouldn't happen. It would be sporadic and spotty at best and non existent at worst.
In reading Zechariah this week, I had a fresh wind blow through me. It came through two passages. One is very familiar to all of us and is from Zechariah 4:6;
Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord of Hosts.
There is so much I try to do on my own. I am blessed with great resources and determination and I allow that to trap me into believing that I can accomplish most things on my own. John 15:5 is clear to say that "apart from [God] we can do nothing." God was promising to Zechariah in his time as well as to us in our time that He will make a difference in the present situations as well as the future. No amount of our might or power can save a situation without the Spirit of the Lord.
In order for this God-difference to be clear in my life though I cannot accept the status quo on everything that surrounds me. So although our culture is screaming for luxury, amazing electronics, and romantic getaways to fulfill the desires of our hearts this Christmas season and although I worry about how I will help my kids through this schizophrenic season, I know that if I do accept the cultural answer that I am believing in a lesser god with lesser reward. Zech. 5:1-4 is clear to announce that if we want God as our first love we need to welcome God's way for us and cling to Him as our only Hope.
It is times like these that I need to restate my pledge of faith to God, keep submitting to the authority of God for all these issues is critical and continue fighting with the Word of God as my sword, believing it is alive and active in me.
Monday, December 7, 2009
I love listening to Christmas music. I lean toward a bit more traditional or jazz flavored music with my listening at Christmas. Here are some of my favorites in no particular order:
1. Celtic Women, A Christmas Celebration
2. Natalie Cole, Holly and Ivy
3. Tony Bennett, A Swingin Christmas
4. Chor leoni men's Choir, Yuletide Fires
5. Musica Intima, Nativite
6. Steve Bell, The Feast
7. Oscar Peterson Christmas
8. Christmas Guitar
9. Toronto Children's Chorus, Dancing Day
10. The #1 Christmas Album
I also really like the Veggie Tales Singing Christmas Tree Album!
So here's my question, then I will run! What are your (top ten) favorite Christmas albums.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
It eats me up!
It is time to give it up. It does not bear good fruit in me!
God's central message is forgiveness so it stands to reason that we will have many opportunities to practice forgiving and minister with a forgiving attitude. God has given so many examples of extending mercy in the Bible. I read a particularly moving account in Zech. 3: 3-4 NRSV
Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments and standing before the angel.
And he spoke and said to those who were standing before him saying, "Remove the filthy garments from him." Again he said to him, "See, I have taken your iniquity away from you and will clothe you with festal robes."
Although Joshua was guilty of not obeying God's commands. God has forgiven and shown mercy. He is then given more powers as a priest than has been previously given to priests. The condition; he must obey. What a beautiful picture - clean garments replacing the filthy and a new improved mission.
I have been meditating and memorizing the scriptures below and find that I cannot allow the wrongful act to fester. I have to give it up. I have to give that person to God. I have to release it to God and believe that I am going to agree with God's way of thinking and acting on the matter. AND, I can't take it back again! This means that some days I am forgiving several times a day!
Col 3:13 NIV
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
James 2:12 - 12 Message
Talk and act like a person expecting to be judged by the Rule that sets us free. For if you refuse to act kindly, you can hardly expect to be treated kindly. Kind mercy wins over harsh judgment every time.
Romans 2:21 NIV
Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good.
Unforgiveness is such a time and energy waster. Let's choose to forgive.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Our family was able to attend the Steve Bell concert Sat. night. When my kids were asked what they like about Steve Bell, my son says Steve Bell is an awesome guitar player. My daughter says she loves his stories. I agree with both comments. I throughly enjoy the combination of story and song. Near the end of his concert Steve was talking about advent and gave a few great thoughts to chew on before he sang the beautiful Magnificat.
One thought he shared is that we as Christians embody Christ. We deliver, we reflect, we act the love of Christ through who we are. Do we realize that? Do we fully reflect that in our family life, in our church life, in our neighbor life, in our work life?
The other question he threw out to the audience was,
"What is my capacity because of who Christ is?"
What a great question! I don't want to go into a situation forgetting I have the power of the resurrected Christ in me! Maybe a situation or life path does look completely undo-able but have I brought Christ into the situation or am I once again trying to figure it out on my own first! We are made in the image of Christ. It is only through Him that we can find fulfillment. Are we allowing Him to complete us. This reminds me of:
Ephesians 3:20-21 NIV
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations for ever and ever! Amen.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Fighting for the Peace of Christ
Here are a few thoughts for this Wednesday's check in.
I am writing this after possibly the earliest and calmest Christmas celebration ever. On the weekend my parents were visiting from out of town. We spent time decorating the house inside and out, baked peppermint cookies, sang carols, played Megan's own Christmas edition of the Pictionary game, exchanged a few gifts and feasted on Maple Cranberry ribs, corn on the cob and for dessert, pumpkin pound cake (with some more of that cooked pumpkin)!
We had such a good time being together.
Still in the afterglow of a good family time together I started my studying of Zechariah.
In Zechariah we find God calling His people to return to Him. Even though His people have turned away from Him, God wants to initiate a new plan to once again save them. In the first vision that the prophet Zechariah records in Zech. 1:11 it says that "all the earth is peaceful and quiet." The commentary I read said that is was not a good peace because in their captivity the Israelites turned away from God. She goes on to say:
"Yet the tranquility of the earth in Zechariah's time is an "accursed happiness," as John Calvin phrases it, because the order gained is not God's order and the tranquility won has been at the expense of God's people and purpose. It is quite possible for humankind to create its own false peace in home or society or nation and to label it good, when God views it as thoroughly corrupt and evil."
For the past few years we have decided to not be a big gift buying family at Christmastime. We desire to give and or make small gifts for those in our immediate family that will emphasize relationship. We also look to be generous to those in need around us. I am very aware that small relational gift giving is not the norm. I am very conscious of the fact that our kids return from holidays with a very short list of gifts that they can report of to their friends. I love gifts a lot but I also know what emphasis on the gift and getting can do. And how that can leave us feeling. As I wade through this season of advent fighting for the peace of Christ to rule my heart I desire that my heart be set on God and my need of Him in our lives. I want everything that we choose to participate in as a family to be a reflection of our identity in Him. As a result I am reminded anew of the importance of bowing and asking God to be my only authority. I pray that I will recognize that which is Kingdom building and that which is false peace during this season. I don't want to mistake tradition and commercialism for truly celebrating God's initiation of a loving relationship with us.
Col. 3:15a
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.
Let's hear about your week in The Word. Include your name, scripture passage and a summary.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Staying in the Word
I have been thinking about what we have been experiencing together over the past 7 weeks at the Bible study and how important it is for us to encourage each other to stay in the word of God. Until our next group Bible Study time together how can we encourage one another in our personal time with God to study and apply the Word of God to our living?
Here is my idea. Every Wednesday I will post on the blog for the sole purpose of staying connected regarding our personal scripture goals for November and December. If this is something that would resonate with you and keep you accountable then sign in on those days by writing the current passage you are studying and your name. If you want you can summarize in a sentence the thought that you'll most take with you. Much like what we did with the stairs graphic in the Psalms of Ascents.
Just for your information, you do not need to be a blog follower to post a comment. Being a blog follower simply means that you are advised by email when a new blog has been posted - saving you from having to check on your own.
I have decided to study the book of Zechariah. In doing so I read the book of Ezra to give context to the book of Zechariah and may be reading parts of Daniel and Esther as well. If I have time I will follow up with Haggai. They all overlap in ways.
After reading Ezra I felt that Israel likely sang Psalm 130. Verse 3 and 4 say;
If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins,
O LORD, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared.
The Lord easily could have wiped out the Israelites because they were sinful and followed and adopted the ways of the people who took them captive. God didn't wipe them out. He found a man Ezra, who;
set his heart to study the law of the Lord, and to practise it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel. Ezra 7:10
Through Ezra a remnant of Israel returned from their exile from Babylon to worship and re-establish themselves as God's people in Jerusalem. Together as a survived nation they acknowledged God's goodness and repented of their sins. The book ends with them making amends. Paying the consequences for their ways.
It is a hard place for the book to end. They can't keep everything. They can't have their cake and eat it too. After thinking a little longer, sometimes we realize that 'well, we didn't actually need the cake in the first place'. We realize that it is NOT a sad thing to have to give up what took us away from God. Those are the lies we have believed and followed and they never worked to make us more of what God intended for us to be. Instead they devalued us and made us feel more unfulfilled.
There are so many things that are mysterious to me about the ways of God. I know however, that God is my creator and that He knit me together in my mother's womb. He created me in His own image. So it is when we are striving to be like God that we are freed from what entangles and empties us.
OK, I realize that would NOT fit on a stair graphic. Here is my summary.
I pray that I will set my heart to study the Word of God, and to practise it.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Take Time Each Day
It was an emotional day for me. I love my children very much and more than anything want them to know and love Jesus and serve Him with their lives. As I heard both testimonies and convictions from the different speakers the desire I have for my children, our family, our care group and for the church just grew. The interconnection between them all is so important but the most important place of learning how to have a relationship with Jesus is in the home.
I was especially inspired by Mark Holmen whose message was taken from Duet. 6. Just as we had heard on Wednesday, and we will hear again (that is good - we need the repetition!) there is only ONE true God. Focusing on the order of the scripture passage, we need to acknowledge ONE true God and love Him with all our heart, all our soul and all our mind. It is then that we impress this love for God on our children, and our friends and co-workers and neighbors...
This was such a good reminder of my need to seek to know and love God more through scripture and through prayer. A reminder to remove all hindrances, all other gods that are taking priority thought space and time in my life.
I just want to encourage you to continue to take time each day to bow before God and ask Him to be the Lord of your life, your day, your every situation.
I Once Was a Country Girl!
I had prepared all I could and turned to Dave who was cutting pumpkin pieces and Alexander who was picking out the seeds. It was at this moment, as I stared at the hard pieces of pumpkin that I asked the fateful question, "now how do they get the pumpkin all mushy?" Now please keep in mind that I was making paper mache in the afternoon in my daughter's class and sniffing and handling glue products for several hours. I am also the lone lover of squash in my household and therefore do not eat it with any frequency. In that moment as we all stared at each other questioning my upbringing I remembered that I had to cook it!
This would not be a proud moment for my Mom or Dad. They raised me much better. My sister however would just laugh and tell me I should write a book about all my funny cooking and sewing stories - although I am a capable seamstress it was many errors that have brought me this far. So in honor of my older sister, I thought I would write this embarrassing moment in the life of a "once" country girl.
So here below is proof that I made it out of my stupor and that I did not put raw pumpkin into the batter!
Pumpkin Cookies
2 sticks softened butter - I used 1 cup margarine
1 egg
1 cup sugar
1 cup pure canned pumpkin - I used fresh COOKED pumpkin
1tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg (I added the next two spices for my own tastes)
1/2 tsp. cloves
2 cups flour (= 1/2c and 2 scoops with the fresh pumpkin. It was still a little moist as I didn't have cheesecloth to strain the fresh pumpkin, see it's all coming back!)
I used my own cream cheese icing recipe.
1 pkg. cream cheese, softened
2 1/2 c. powdered sugar
6 T margarine
2 tsp. vanilla
Beat until smooth.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Day After!
I just wanted to see how you are doing today.
The kids are home from school again today so we are enjoying a quiet day around the house. Doing some cleaning and organizing of things that have been left undone while we were in the midst of some special activities in the last few weeks.
I feel the analogy in my own life today as I am sorting and organizing my thoughts concerning the next step in my walk with God. I was reading from Hebrews 11 this morning. My plan was to read the entire chapter - I did eventually but was stopped immediately to meditate on verse 1. This is a verse that has been set before me for the past year. Even still it penetrated deeply as I realized that if I do not have this verse in front of me, my next steps will be shaky. I desperately want to keep moving, to know and acknowledge the goodness of God, to continue being intentional in my obedience to God.
Hebrews 11:1 NIV says:
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
I spent time looking through the chapter searching for what the ancients were commended for. What is it that kept them hoping believing and obeying even though they couldn't see it nor was it fulfilled in their lifetime. What made them live beyond themselves? It reminds me of that line - dot thing that Dave was talking about on Sunday. We are not just existing so that our dot will be highlighted - we are part of a larger plan. Our Christianity is lived out in our interactions with others. The Message says it this way;
their faith and our faith would come together to make one complete whole, their lives of faith not completed apart from ours. Hebrews 11:40.
What was it that kept these ancients certain of what they hoped for? What made them walk with God, build an ark, condemn the ways of the world, be obedient, turn away from the treasures of the world around them? They hoped to please God, to seek Him to save their family, to receive an inheritance, look ahead to their reward, to long for a city with foundations, whose builder is God, to receive the promise from God.
What do I hope for? What is the promise that God has placed before me for my life that will keep me going? That will help me decide not if but how I am going to live my life for Him in community?
My thoughts returned to the video session last night. A word that was spoken that was so powerful was that there is no other Saviour than Jesus.
What do I hope for?
In a word -
I continue to pray Philippians 3:10 (Amplified version) to be the hope I am fixed upon and the reason I bow before my Saviour and the reason I so no to other things that entice.
For my determined purpose is that I may know Him, that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
By Reason of Christ
Just wanted to send a word of encouragement out to you as you work through your last week of homework in this series. God's word through this study is speaking deeply into my life situations right now! God is amazing!
When working through Psalm 133 and reading Peterson's, "A Long Obedience in the Same Direction", I was reminded, no, more like hit over the head with a few things he said.
"No Christian is an only child."
"The Bible knows nothing of a religion that is defined by what a person does inwardly in the privacy of thought or feeling, or apart from others on lonely retreat. When Jesus was asked what the great commandment was he said, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind, and then immediately before anyone could make a private religion out of it riveted it to another: A second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself." Matt. 22: 34-40
Being in a totally new situation in life; new place, full time school for all my children, no current out-of-home employment, new allows for more time to be introspective, to study and to well, be an introvert! I am completely enjoying this time and feeling very thankful to have this opportunity right now. However, it would be easy for me to think that my spiritual growth could take place here alone - just God and I. Time alone with God is essential but the words I read last night reminded me that I am surrounded by family and by neighbors and by church. At times it seems it would be easier to just go at some things alone and to decide not to include some relationships in the journey. This morning I knew that I couldn't do that with the relationship being contemplated.
I loved the exercise from Beth this morning to list several things he or she is "by reason of Christ" (page 161). To see people as God would see them and to wonder what God will do today in the life of this person, how will He reveal Himself to them, to what new heights will He take them? Often times I need something tangible like that to hang on to and to help me take the next step.
The exercise didn't come easy at first. I have been a reluctant spectator on this but as I was reminded of our memory passage I was able to pray about it and my list of things about this person became longer than the line could hold.
I have been praying for forgiveness in this relationship and as the day went on realized that this seemed to be an important step.
...My help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth...He will not allow your foot to slip...
How about you? What is an important truth you are learning about being on a journey in community?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Extra Hour of Sleep! Yay!
What a wonderful thing to actually take advantage of the extra hour by sleeping. Alexander and I both did really well with that - Alexander winning by an additional 2.5 hours (a total of 3.5 hours extra!!!!) Think he was wiped out from visiting family and friends and Halloweening.
Here is a picture of our kids with friends of theirs from Brandon. They joined us and collected treats around our neighborhood. Lots of fun and even more candy!
Our kids are the three on the left - Smartie Pants! Laura Inglis (posing as Holly Hobbie for the picture!) and Buzz Lightyear - "to infinity and beyond!" Of course their friends are disguised as Anne of Green Gables and Zorro!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Laughter is the Best Medicine!
I knew it would happen sooner or later
and was surprised that it took so long to happen.
It happened Wednesday night on the way to Bible Study. I was driving North on Henderson Highway soon to turn onto Devries. Just before the turn I started complaining about my most recent frustration to God. I was quite upset. It was then I focused (has that ever happened to you? You wonder exactly how it was that you got somewhere?) and talk about well timed humor, I looked up and saw that I was passing by the church....from the perimeter.
It took me a moment to realize what I had done...and then I laughed sooo hard.
My frustration. Well, the good laugh made me rethink how I was handling the situation. The anger did actually subside and determination to work this thing out set in. I know this isn't an easy thing for me to work through because forgiveness is involved but laughter definitely was the best medicine.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Keep On!
Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God.
After hearing how God's word is alive and active in so many people's lives this morning in church (and knowing that God is the One who brings about any good thing in my own life) I am convinced more than ever that God wants to show off in each of our lives and grow in every one of us a great story which we are to share. And not just one great story to tell for one time but to tell after each chapter and possibly even after each paragraph. Maybe yours will be a collection of short stories or poems. Or like we heard and sang about this morning - maybe yours is a song complete with verses, chorus and bridge.
But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God's instruments to do his work and speak out for Him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you - from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.
1 Peter 2:9 (Message)
Monday, October 19, 2009
My Psalm 127
Through our day to day endeavors I am constantly working at building our family. What kinds of resources am I using to grow my children? How am I protecting them? Am I guiding well their choices of cultural and media intake? Is God the God of these choices. Am I being overprotective? Are they being given the chance to know appropriate and character building consequences? Am I building opportunity for them to know and love God in a lasting way?
What drives my work? Why do I stay up later than I should? What drives me to get up early? or sleep in? Is God the God of every hour? How am I observing Sabbath?
Children are our reward. Rest is lovingly created and sanctioned.
How do I reconcile building and working long hours with loving and enjoying my family? Is God the God of this reconciliatory process?
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Pilgrimage to Love
A number of years back while visiting my sister and her family we were all gathered around the kid's sleeping area. Sleeping bags, pillows and mattresses were everywhere. Every child was under the age of 12. We bowed to pray together and at the end of my niece's prayer she said, "I love you Jesus very much, Amen." It was simple and heartfelt and I didn't know if I could end my prayer that way and mean it. It started me on a quest. I wanted to honestly be able to say "I love you very much Jesus. Amen." I started praying that God would show me how to love Him more.
Journaling and reflecting has played a huge role in growing my love for Jesus. Remembering God daily, pointing out God sightings, asking questions like; "What might have happened with [my] life if the LORD had not been on [my] side" (study page 56) and knowing and believing in who God is and what He promises.
It is very clear in the Psalms that we are not removed from trouble. We go through the hard, the sad, the unfair, and the depressing just as we go through the good, beautiful, and inspiring. Eugene Peterson in his book A Long Obedience, says, "[Through the ups and downs of Israel's history], God is steadfastly with them, in mercy and judgment, insistently gracious. We get the feeling that everything is done in the sure, certain environment of the God who redeems his people. And as we learn that, we learn to live not by our feelings about God but by the facts of God."
God is good. He is everything that I want and need.
I love the LORD, for He heard my voice;
He heard my cry for mercy.
Because He turned His ear to me,
I will call on Him as long as I live.
Psalm 116:1-2
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Thanksgiving Appetizer!
We had been planning and preparing ahead and this morning realized that we were well ahead of schedule. So, we kept making things! I didn't have to prepare dessert but am quite fond of cranberries in baking. Dave made a great citrus cranberry sauce; he made enough that I could use some for a Cranberry Swirl coffee cake recipe I found. When Dave asked when I would serve it I said, "well... as an appetizer."
I put out a cheese spread with crackers as well as punch (cranberry based also!). And it was thoroughly enjoyed as an appetizer!
And just in case you're interested in using your leftover cranberry sauce for an appetizer!!...
Cranberry Swirl Coffee Cake – Thanksgiving 2009
1/3 c chopped walnuts
½ c butter or margarine, softened
1c sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp Almond extract
2 c all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
1 c sour cream
1 can (16 oz) whole-berry cranberry sauce, divided
¾ c confectioners' sugar
2 T milk
½ tsp vanilla extract
Sprinkle walnuts into a greased 10” fluted tube pan. In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each. Stir in almond extract. Combine the dry ingredients; add to creamed mixture alternately with sour cream. Spread half of the batter over walnuts. Top with half of the cranberry sauce. Repeat layers.
Bake at 350 for 50 – 55 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool for 10 minutes before removing from pan to a wire rack to cool completely. In a small bowl, combine glaze ingredients until smooth; drizzle over cake. Yield 12-16 servings.
I am so thankful for my family, for good food, and starting new traditions. Even more, I am thankful for a God who is enthroned above and is who He says He is.
Exodus 34: 6 - 7a
And He passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, "The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. "
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Songs for our Journey
The song was devotion sung by Jon Buller. (We listened to it last night during the opening of the evening.) Beth mentioned in the video that composers can often sing what we have been trying to say. I believe that about this song. As I am working on laying aside my pride and asking God to be my EVERYTHING, this song captures my imagination, engages my mind and resonates with my spirit. It causes me to bow in reverence.
You are Boundless Mercy, You are Endless Grace,
You are Sweet Forgiveness, Ceaseless Faithfulness,
Washing over me.
You are Sovereign Father, You are Healing King,
You are Saviour, Righteous Offering,
Poured out for me.
I surrender to You,
Lord I'm yielding all I am to You,
You have captivated me,
And I come to give my devotion.
What praise and worship song tops your chart these days and causes you to sharpen your focus on the decisions of God? Please be sure to include the name of the song and the artist or composer.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Cause to smile
My spirit was particularly moved when I read the following on page 21 (Day 2);
If we're willing, God will teach us. He will use His Word, He will use His Spirit, and on a good day He will use His people.
The quote caused me to smile. The fact that a reliable God chooses to work with people like me who seem to have such a short and flighty attention span is beyond me - a true gift of grace.
Through the good, bad and ugly; though I am surrounded by Meshech and Kedar, I pray for willingness, for a repentant attitude when God through the Holy Spirit calls to my attention an area where I need to be taught. And maybe, if my pride doesn't get in the way I will respond to others in such a way that will be proof to them that God is in the business of renewing and working through His people in the everydayness of our lives.
What quote or verse has caused you to smile or reflect on the direction of your journey?
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I am excited to tell you that the books have arrived! Hopefully everyone is able to start in on the study.
My hope is that this Blog will be a spot where we can share our God sitings, the rain falling often, as you are working through your homework in the days and weeks to come.
Something that struck me as I was working through Psalm 120 was that my life is not free from conflict and hardship, nor will it ever be. The Psalmist knows he can cry out to God about it. There is confidence that God will answer. This has been such a stark reminder of my need to cry out to God for absolutely everything. I try to hang on to some things and forget that God is the God of everything. And then I wonder why I fall back into old patterns of behavior.
Eugene Peterson in his book, "A Long Obedience in the Same Direction" says "the usual biblical word describing the no we say to the world's lies and the yes we say to God's truth is repentance." He also goes on to say;
So how about you. What are you mining from your first day at it?
Blog Archive
- Here we are at another Wednesday.Our family has be...
- Merry Christmas Everyone!!!I hope so much you are ...
- Merry Christmas Eve!
- I love how God says things to us in different ways...
- Unafraid, by Francine Rivers
- Good Morning Ladies,What a beautiful day. It is s...
- A Humble Spirit
- Our First Love
- Well, here I am trying to stall getting myself out...
- If there is ever something that consumes me it is ...